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artist statement

My work is anchored in the body: whether in figurative clay, facilitation of body awareness, or improvisational storytelling that incorporates movement and sound.  The body’s unspoken narrative is an act of truth.  Our bodies’ shape and movement reveal who we are; form, function and content are interdependent.

In clay I survey the emotional terrain of the body’s landscapes.  Two female figures stand hand in hand, as a beacon of hope, with a soulful earthly presence.  Another spreads her legs with unabashed dignity and grace. Others are ravaged raconteurs, so ready to speak their truth. Through my clay sculptures I explore the enigmatic force that animates us, and the intrinsic role our bodies play in this mystery.


Click on each image to see the complete series

Here are collections of pieces that have a common theme.  I like working in series because I can hone in on the unifying subject from alternate perspectives and each piece tells a different part of the story.


Click on each image to see the complete installation

The most delightful aspect of both of these outdoor installations was engaging with place: the cardinal directions and sunrise or sunset, the seasons that will surely visit upon the pieces. The longevity of their presence in dialogue with their surroundings is a foundational aspect. 

© Lucy Beazley - updated July 2020

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